NOTA DE POLÍTICAS | Brindar apoyo a los ingresos y al empleo en tiempos de la COVID-19: articular las transferencias en efectivo con políticas activas del mercado de trabajo

NOTA DE POLÍTICAS | Brindar apoyo a los ingresos y al empleo en tiempos de la COVID-19: articular las transferencias en efectivo con políticas activas del mercado de trabajo

La presente Nota examina cómo la aplicación conjunta de las PAMT y el apoyo a los ingresos puede ayudar a los trabajadores ante la pandemia, y mejorar sosteniblemente sus empleos y la trayectoria de vida, en particular en los países emergentes y en desarrollo. Se identifica las características que determinaron el éxito de tales políticas en el pasado y se examina cómo pueden adaptarse estos conocimientos a la situación específica de la pandemia de hoy para contribuir a la creación y/o restablecimiento de las oportunidades de trabajo.

VOX EU | The joint provision of active labour market policies and income support can be a powerful solution for improving workers’ perspectives

VOX EU | The joint provision of active labour market policies and income support can be a powerful solution for improving workers’ perspectives

Active labour market policies have the potential to improve workers’ employability, but a key challenge in developing and emerging countries is that without income support to cover their basic needs, many workers simply cannot afford to participate in such policies. This column examines the examples of Uruguay and Mauritius and finds that approaches combining both active labour market policies and income support are more effective in improving the labour market perspectives of vulnerable workers than the same policies implemented in isolation. However, the success of integrated policies clearly depends on design and implementation characteristics.

POLICY BRIEF | Delivering income and employment support in times of COVID-19: Integrating cash transfers with active labor market policies

POLICY BRIEF | Delivering income and employment support in times of COVID-19: Integrating cash transfers with active labor market policies

This brief examines how income support and active labour market policies can come together to improve workers' prospects in times of COVID-19, particularly in emerging and developing countries. It identifies the characteristics that determined the success of such polices in the past, and discusses how they can be adapted to today’s pandemic to contribute to rebuilding employment opportunities.

BLOG - It’s possible to break the working poverty vicious circle

BLOG - It’s possible to break the working poverty vicious circle

Put yourselves in the shoes of a vulnerable worker in a developing or emerging country: You have a job but you don’t earn much, so you struggle to make ends meet. You know that if you had the chance to improve your skills you could get a better job, but you simply can’t take time off work because you need the money.

This vicious circle is the reality for the 630 million people worldwide who work but fail to pull themselves and their families out of poverty.

BLOG – Los programas de transferencias condicionadas y su potencial para ayudar a jóvenes y mujeres a encontrar más y mejores empleos

En este contexto, el gobierno argentino reorientó el Plan Jefes, un programa de transferencias condicionadas introducido durante la crisis, y lanzó el programa Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo (SCE) para favorecer la inserción laboral de los beneficiarios elegibles del Plan Jefes. 

BLOG – What have we learned about helping women with conditional cash transfers?

Our study finds that SCE improved the job quality of former Plan Jefes participants by increasing the likelihood of their having a formal job and raising hourly wages. However, the effects of the SCE were not distributed evenly. This raises two questions. First, despite the overall success of the SCE and the large share of female participation, why did the program not contribute to an improvement of their labor market conditions? And second, what’s the best way to improve program mechanisms and outcomes for female beneficiaries?

NEWS – Labour market policies in Latin America must be reoriented to protect social achievements and address productivity gaps

At a time when governments in the region face the dual challenges of creating quality jobs and safeguarding achievements in social inclusion and work quality, an ILO report highlights the need for a new approach based on active labor market policies to address the current economic slowdown.